
Website Maintenance (Monthly Service)


You have a website that is crucial to your business. It generates leads, customers, and revenue (or at least it should). It’s a channel through which customers, suppliers, potential new staff, and partners will find you and engage with you.

It is fundamental to the success of your business and you want peace of mind that it will be up and available for your audience 24/7 without interruption.

With our secure and maintain service, you will get the following services from us every month.

  • Peace of mind that all your website software is up to date.
  • Weekly backups of your website are stored on our servers and/or secure servers so you can be at rest that if anything ever goes wrong we can restore your website quickly.
  • Constant security monitoring to keep any nasty intruders out.
  • Two scheduled sessions per month to assist you with basic content management across the site.
  • Google Analytics  Tracking and Report

This service is specifically for WordPress-built websites.

You will provide us with your WordPress admin login details and/or Cpanel details when required.

Activation starts once payment is received and lasts for 30days until a renewal is made.


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