
Automate your plugin installation in 3 simple steps

If you are a WordPress designer, one of the things you need to do is automate your processes.

One of the processes to automate is your plugin installation.

You need to have a list of plugins you use regularly when building a website for your clients.

Normally, you should be installing them one after the other when you need to use them.

What if you can bulk import all these plugins once, upload, and install them with one click?

You can do that using this simple hack.

To achieve this, we will use a plugin called WP Core. You can access it from wpcore.com

WP Core helps you take control of your WordPress plugins.

To begin, create an account for free, then you create and manage a collection of the plugins you use on a regular basis.

Then follow this 3 step process.

Build plugin collections

Create a collection and add WordPress plugins you use on a regular basis. Copy the collection key.

Import your collection

Go the brand new WordPress site setup (i.e a setup without any plugin except the default ones that come with WordPress) and install the wpcore plugin from the WordPress repository, activate.
Drop the collection key into the WPCore plugin settings within WordPress, i.e your new WordPress site.

Bulk install the plugins

WPCore will automatically pull in all the plugins from the collection to your site.

And that is it, all the selected plugins will be installed and activated and you would save all the time you could have used to do the manual individual installation.

Let me know if you have any questions.